发布时间:08-17 来源:留学桥有一些要赴新西兰留学的同学,想要申请新西兰留学奖学金,那么同学们需要先了解新西兰留学奖学金的种类,然后才能知道申请哪类奖学金。
1. Bank of New Zealand Research Fellowship
2. Bing’s Scholarship
3. Claude McCarthy Fellowship
4. Commonwealth Scholarships
5. The Edward and Isobel Kidson Scholarship
6. FPA Alice Bush Scholarship
7. Germar Academic Exchange Service ( Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst )
8. Gordon Watson Scholarship
9. L B Wood Travelling Scholarship
1. Bank of New Zealand Graduate Scholarship
2. Bank of New Zealand Undergraduate Scholarship
3. The Cambridge Commonwealth Trust Prince of Wales Scholarship for New Zealand
4. The Charles Campbell-White Scholarship for Study in Engineering or Science
5. Dick and Mary Earle Scholarship in Technology
6. Frank knox Memorial Fellowship ( At Harvard University )
7. Transfund New Zealand Postgraduate Scholarship
8. Tower Corporation Undergraduate Scholarship
9. The Todd Foundation Awards for Excellence
10. shirtcliffe Fellowship
11. Road Safety Trust Research Scholarships
12. The Patricia Pratt Scholarship in Musical Performance
13. The New Zealand Law Foundation Ethel Benjamin Prize for Women
14. Girdlers’ Scholarship
15. Gerald Agnew Graduate scholarship
16. Gerald Agnew Postgraduate Research Fellowship
17. Freyberg Scholarship ( New Zealand Defence Scholarships )